
Limbic System

Limbic System

The limbic system consists of an organization of complex neurochemical pathways which are involved in several emotional and motivational processes.1


The amygdala is a part of the limbic system that consists of a collection of nuclei that are located in the temporal lobe. It plays a role in emotional learning,2 social cognition,3 memory and attention.2


Limbic System


The thalamus is located in the dorsal part of the diencephalon. It is referred to as the big information center of the brain, since it relays all incoming information to the cortex.4 The medial dorsal nucleus, the anterior nucleus, and the lateral dorsal nucleus are considered to be part of the limbic system.4

Prefrontal Cortex

The prefrontal cortex is a brain structure that covers the front part of the frontal lobe and the cortex. It is highly connected to the limbic system and it is involved in executive functions, language and emotional processing.5

Limbic System


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